Tuesday, June 22, 2010


On Friday my mom's ward had Lagoon day, and since Kurt was off we took we took the boys, since I'm preggers and can"t ride on pretty much any ride, my job was picture taker. My boys are have no fear when it comes to rides, they'll ride anything they are tall enough to go on (which still isn't that much), but they had a blast. Whenever they would find a ride that they liked they would want to go on it again and again. They did this with the Tidal Wave, the Jumping Dragon, the Music Express, and the Dinosaur Drop. After like the 4th time on the Jumping Dragon Kurt and my mom were pretty sick and had to take a little break from rides. At the end of the day we stopped at the water fountains and let them play for a while, they were pretty exhausted by the end of the day, but we had so much fun.

Play Ball!

Since Keaton, just played his last game on Saturday and had closing ceremonies already I thought I should probably post some pictures of him playing T-ball. This year our neighborhood decided to form a team, which was nice, since all the kids live close and will be going to the same school as Keaton, plus it was nice to get to meet some more neighbors.
Keaton is really starting to get good at hitting, in fact he's much better hitting left handed, nearly every game he was getting most of his hits off the coach and not having to use to Tee.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just so you know... I'm not fat!

So we do have one more tiny announcement to make...I'm pregnant! After we got back from Vegas I really wasn't feeling great and one of the girls at my work kept teasing me that i was pregnant. I kept blowing her off and telling her "whatever", but I finally decided to take a test, and it came up positive. This just happened to be April 1st, so when Kurt came home, I totally thought he was going to think I was playing an April fools joke on him, but luckily he didn't.
Here is our ultrasound at 8 weeks, that little speck with the arrow pointing at it, is the baby
So now I'm 14 weeks along, in that awful stage where you really can't tell if someone is just getting fat or pregnant. So if you see me just know that I have something else giving me a pot belly, its not all that ice cream and peanut butter M&Ms that I've been eating!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Catching Up

So once again, I'm not the best blogger, but really, who is? Anyways we haven't done a ton the last two months, but we did celebrated Easter...

It snowed Easter morning

The boys got lots of fun things from the Easter bunny!
and had lots of fun decorating eggs.

And at the end of May Keaton graduated from preschool. His school put on a program and he did awesome, we are so proud of him, and can't believe he'll be in kindergarten next year!