On Tuesday morning, Karter and Keaton were playing when I heard a horrible scream. When I found Karter he had blood dripping down his forhead into his eye. Appearently he had fallen onto the edge of the frame of our laundry bag. We ended up having to take him up to Primary Children's Hospital to get 6 stiches. This is Karter's second time getting stiches and last time I passed out in the hall, so this time I decided I would leave before they started. They gave him a sedative called Versed, and then I went out in the waiting room. But appearently the Versed didn't work all that well. Kurt said he screamed and fought with the nurses for about a half and hour. It took three nurses to hold him down, they almost had to put him completly under, but they were finally able to get all the stiches in. By the time they called me back he was totally sweaty and exhausted. The doctor did say that the Versed will make it so he won't remember what happened. Lets hope so, because if this happens again (and knowing this child, it will!) we probably will have to knock him completly out!

He thought it was pretty cool.