On Saturday we started building our fence. We got all the holes dug in about 3 hours, which is fantastic since we were planning on it taking most of the day. So we thought putting in the posts would be over in a jiffy...wrong! It took another 3 hours to get in 4 posts. Thank goodness for Justin from Kurt's work, he came over and helped for several hours, allowing us to get 15 post in Saturday. Plus he brought over his kids who kept Keaton and Karter occupied. On Monday evening we finished up all the poles on the west side of the house. So now we are just waiting until the concrete sets so we can put in the rails and slats. We are all sunburned, blistered and exhausted, but it will all be worth it when the yard is finished.
Lookin good. I had fun the other night. We all need to get together more often.