Tuesday, November 24, 2009


On Sunday we got a few inches of snow (boo!). Kurt has really been wanting to take the kids sledding. So Monday morning he woke up bright and early, and took the kids up to a park about a block away from the house. (I did manage to drag myself out of bed to shoot some pictures!) Karter loved it, as long as someone carried him up the hill, he really hated walking in his boots. Both kids had so much fun, except for on the last run when the tipped over at the bottom and everyone face planted in the snow.

This is where they biffed it!


  1. Looks like fun! We have our own sledding hills in the back with the golf course, but we didn't get as much snow as you did apparently! We're looking forward to going out ourselves. I like the snow only if it stays. I hate the in between storms look.

  2. I still remember going sledding at the Golf Course when we were little.
