Oh the difference a year makes

Fun Kamryn facts:
1) She loves to make her brothers laugh
2) She love to empty drawers, kleenex boxes, wipes anything she can get her hands on
3)She says "mama", "dada" and "hi"
4) I'm trying to teach her sign language, right now she can sign "more" and "milk"
5) She loves to eat, she would sit in her highchair all day and eat if I would let her.
6) She HATES green beans (just like her mom)
7) If there is a toilet that she can get to, she will be in it (so gross)
8) She loves music, whenever she hears music she dances
9) She is now 19lb 4 oz and 28 in long
10) She loves water, baths, swimming pools, anything she can splash in (see #7)
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