So, lets see, what's happened since my last post? Kurt went back to work after his 5 weeks on paternity. Its been nearly 2 months, and I'm just feeling like I'm starting to get the hang of 3 kids; although I still haven't taken all 3 anywhere by myself steps! I started back to work last week, pretty glad to be back. Its nice only working 1 or 2 days a week, but its hard having less days in the week to keep up with all the laundry, dishes and other messes.
Keaton lost his first baby teeth. That's right I said TEETH! On Sunday my mom noticed that one of his permanent teeth had just broken through, behind the baby tooth. The baby tooth wasn't even kind of loose. So Monday I called to dentist to ask about it. We ended up having to take him in that afternoon to have the two bottom front teeth pulled! Luckily he did awesome, not a whole lot phases that kid. He's pretty excited he got a visit from the tooth fairy and got $2!
Why did you have to post a picture of the teeth! You know I read your blog dang you!!!