October was a busy month for us. And since I haven't updated in awhile this will be a really long post. Kurt had an extra week of vacation that he needed to use, so he took off the week of UEA. We took the boys to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. Even though it was packed they had a blast. I also have been trying to get ready for our new addition. My mom made all her bedding and I spent an entire afternoon cutting vinyl circles on my Cricut for her wall.I think it turned out really cute.Then on the 28th both boys had their school parades. Keaton walked by us so fast I barely managed to get pictures. He is Boba Fett, its hard to tell, but he couldn't wear his mask to school. Karter had his first parade and Halloween party, he was so excited, and started asking every day if it was his party day. The next day was Keaton's birthday, he decided he wanted to go to the Discovery Gateway to do his party. We had a Spongebob theme and my friend Nikki once again made his cake (so cute). For Halloween it rained on and off most of the day. But the kids didn't seem to mind much. Our neighborhood did trunk or treat earlier in the day, then we went to my parent to go trick or treating. By this time it was pouring, but the boys headed out with grandpa and dad with their umbrellas and managed to score a ton of candy.
Love the nursery!