Friday, May 29, 2009

Pool time

So we finally headed over to the neighborhood pool for the first time, this week. Kurt has been dying to get over to it since we moved in. We went in the morning and there were only a few other people there, so it was pretty nice and relaxing. The boys loved it. Karter was completely fearless and kept jumping into the pool. It was a good thing he had on his life jacket because there were a couple times he'd gone completely under the water before I was able to get to him. Keaton loved the little kids pool because he could stand up in it and swim without someone holding him. When it was time to leave both of the boys started crying...I guess they had fun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Keaton's Last Day of Preschool

Keaton in front of his locker
Keaton and Miss Carol
Keaton and Miss Crissy

Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Today was Keaton's last day of preschool ( at least for the summer). The kids put on a little program to show us some of the songs that they have learned, then we watched a video with all that they did this year. Then all the kids got a preschool certificate. Keaton did a great job. We are so proud of him. He has done so awesome this year in preschool and has learned so much. Way to go Keaton!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just The Beginning

On Saturday we started building our fence. We got all the holes dug in about 3 hours, which is fantastic since we were planning on it taking most of the day. So we thought putting in the posts would be over in a jiffy...wrong! It took another 3 hours to get in 4 posts. Thank goodness for Justin from Kurt's work, he came over and helped for several hours, allowing us to get 15 post in Saturday. Plus he brought over his kids who kept Keaton and Karter occupied. On Monday evening we finished up all the poles on the west side of the house. So now we are just waiting until the concrete sets so we can put in the rails and slats. We are all sunburned, blistered and exhausted, but it will all be worth it when the yard is finished.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Sofia

In March the boys got a new baby cousin, Sofia Grace Estrada. But they both had colds, then Keaton's surgery prevented them from seeing her. But last week Marnie brought her over and the boys were in love. Keaton really liked holding her and Karter was obsessed with the fact that she had a binki. So cute to have all the cousins together for the first time.

Monday, May 4, 2009

More Doctors

Today we took Karter to the doctor. He's been really moody and isn't eating or sleeping well, which is his tale tale sign of and ear infection. And yes, he has yet another ear infection. This will be his 5th in 7 months. So now we need to take him to the ENT and see if he needs tubes. Kurt is NOT happy about it. Fun all around!

Friday, May 1, 2009

First Post

Welcome to our blog! 2009 has already been a busy year for us. We finished building our house and moved in in January. We are now working on putting up a fence and landscaping. What a huge undertaking!
Kurt and I still work at Costco, I'm there once a week and Kurt pretty much lives there. I'm waiting to start nursing school and right now I'm finishing up my pathophysiology class, then I'll be taking a little time off from school (woo hoo!). The boys are super busy. Keaton is finishing up preschool, and will start T-ball in June. He loves playing Nintendo and riding his bike. Keaton also had his tonsils taken out the first week of April. He did awesome and now sleeps much better, thank goodness. Karter turned 2 in March and is fully in the terrible two stage. He loves pulling out anything and everything out of drawer and throwing everything on the ground. Its a good thing he's so stinkin' cute or he might be living on the streets! He loves doing everything Keaton does and anything that involves being outside so he can run.
Hopefully you will enjoy following us on or new blogging journey.

Kurt, Krista, Keaton and Karter Ehorn