Last Saturday Kamryn stared to have a terrible cough but other than that seemed okay, we were in Moab and figured she had a little cold and would get over it. But she just seemed to get worse and worse, to the point that we left late Sunday night. By the time we got home she had a fever, cough and was very congested. Monday morning we took her to her Doctor and found out she had RSV. At the Doctor's office she had a bit of retraction ( where it looks like they are sucking in on their ribs when they breath in),but not bad enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. Her doctor told me to monitor her for breathing problems , and take her to the ER if her condtion worsened. Each day she would have good times where she seemed on the mend, and times where I thought we should take her in. Wednesday a friend of mine, had me bring her to the clinic she worked at, and they suctioned her and checked her O2 levels which were good. So I took her home thinking she was oxygenating well and on the mend. Around 11:00pm Wednesday I fed her and then about 20 minuted later she started coughing so hard she stared vomiting and wouldn't stop. By this point she had only drank 12 oz the whole day. Then I noticed that she was retracting to the point I could see all her ribs on her left side. So Kurt and I decided we should take her up the Primary's to get checked. My mom drove up with me while Kurt stayed with the boys. When we got up there, her breathing was normal again and was Oxygenating well, but was still really congested, so they did 2 rounds of deep suctioning on her and ran a bunch of tests to make sure she didn't have another illness on top of the RSV. Luckily she didn't. We ended up getting released at 4:30 am. We now are going to have to take her to the suctioning clinic 1-2 times a day for the next couple of days. We are all exhausted, but doing well, hopefully she will be better soon.
Finally asleep after a miserable night of being poked and prodded
9 years ago