I don't know what it is about kindergarten, but its a little too traumatic for parents! Preschool never bothered me, but there something about kindergarten. I was a nervous wreck, mostly I was nervous about him riding the bus home. Keaton wasn't bothered in the least, the kid has no fear. I ended up running over to the school to make sure he didn't miss the bus, while my mom and Karter waited for him at the bus stop. He did great, and today (his 2nd day), he got right on no problems, and told me I didn't even need to wait for him at the bus stop. See what I mean...he's getting way too big for his own good!

Showing off his Mario Galaxy Backpack! This was his 2nd picture, and he was already sick of it, when we got to school he wouldn't pose for anymore.

Waiting in line to go in.

Getting off the bus.

Walking home with his friend Ethan and Karter