Wow, I can't believe I haven't updated this thing for over two months! We really haven't been that busy... just me being lazy! Well, lets see. In September Keaton started up preschool again, he now goes 3 days a week which is quite a helpful and relaxing break for me, especially if Karter will lie down and nap during some of those 3 hrs. Keaton also turned 5 on Thursday, it completely boggles my mind that I now have a 5 year old. He was quite spoiled for his birthday, he finally got his Nintendo Wii that has has been begging for, for nearly a year now. And my amazingly talented friend Nikki made him a Super Mario cake. Keaton loved it, it was a little heart breaking cutting it up, it was way too cute!
In September I was spoiled too. Kurt and I got to go see Jim Gaffigan with my sister and a few friends, and we also got to go see Pearl Jam! Most of you who know me know that I'm a HUGE PJ fan, and since I haven't gotten to see them in nearly 6 years, I was a little more than excited. We had 3rd row and the show was amazing, one of the best I've seen. I already told Kurt that we need to plan on seeing them again in 2010, I've decided that I can't wait another 6 years to see them again!
For Halloween, the boys decided that they wanted to be Star Wars characters, originally Keaton wanted to be Darth Vader, until he saw a Clone Wars trooper, then his mind was set. I was trying to find another Clone Wars character for Karter to be, but while I was searching he found a Vader costume in just his size and kept saying " bader, bader".
The boys had so much fun trick or treating this year, we went to our neighborhood trunk or treat party and then headed off to my parents for some door to door treating. They got a ton of candy, now I just have to try and stay out of it!
Well I think that that it about it for the last two months. I really will try and update a little more often, but I'm not making any promises!